Monday, April 13, 2009

Meet Cannon

So, if you ask me of one time in a baby's life you HAVE to get their portrait made, I will say once they start sitting up but before they are crawling! What a precious time because they are so amused with anyone who is willing to entertain them! Cannon was a perfect example of this! I have 100 other jolly portraits we took this day I could have posted...he was so happy! And when you see a baby smile with such simple, pure joy, you can't help but smile and giggle back! What a great lesson in life to remember!!! Anthony J. D'Angelo once wrote "Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart." Cannon definitely unlocked my heart this day!


  1. Love your blog!! I have a link to share with you - I'll look for it and e-mail it later.

  2. They are beautiful! I cant wait to see the rest of them! Thanks for capturing that sweet smile.

  3. Love it!! I am also a black whole of chaos, and yes, the blog makes it worse. But oh how I love my blog. I would still like to post some of the pics you took on my blog, but am not sure how.
