Saturday, November 7, 2009

Christmas Cheer

Oh dear, I am so far behind on this blog so I am going to try to start updating some in the next couple of days. We are in the prime of Christmas rush in the photography world, so I am just trying to keep my head above water...or at least take a gasp of air every now and then! But this session really cheered me up! This is Sophie and couldn't you just squeeze that little cutie?! I named this blog Christmas cheer because this shot just made me smile. Those big blue eyes, those chubby little cheeks! While this particular shot doesn't look like she is particularly happy, she did great throughout the session and we got a great variety for the mom and dad to choose from. But this one just looked like you could jump out of Sophie's eyes, slide down that little button nose and bounce off her smooshy little cheeks. Sophie you did great! And I will try not to squeeze you too hard when I hug you next visit...but I am not promising anything! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Those eyes are simply amazing . . . it's as if the Good Lord filled up a cup of sparkling indigo and poured to overflow capacity into each iris . . . just darling, Ms. Bethel & Jeff!! Uh . . . may I suggest two double-barrels by each door, Jeff? Ha!!
