Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Other Hand

I am having problems figuring out how to start this blog because I fear I am not going to portray the emotions these portraits stir in me. This is Ava, a beautiful little two year old girl. I consider this session a celebration just in the fact that it is her two year portrait. The reason for this is that Ava came into the world with a fight ahead of her. When her mother was pregnant, the doctors informed her the baby she was carrying had Down Syndrome. But when Ava was born she had a bigger battle to face. She was diagnosed with a disorder known as PPHN where her heart and lungs were not working together. It was a very serious disorder that required her to be on the ventilator for 6 weeks. Her parents didn't know if Ava was going to come home from the hospital. Miraculously at six weeks she was weaned off the ventilator but continued on a feeding tube until she was a year and a half. Obviously Ava is a fighter and this was her first session in which we did not have to work around the port for her feeding tube! At Ava's first session, I took a portrait of Ava holding her mother's hands and looking into her eyes. The peaceful look on Ava's face really elicited a wave of emotion in me and late one night I wrote a poem about Ava's struggle and her mom's divine role in being her mother. When Ava was standing at the door with her mother on the other side, I was really trying to get some nice window light on her face. But what I got was the connection between mom and child. It immediately reminded me of this poem which I will include at the end of this blog. Ava, you are a wonderful gift from God, an angel in a child's body, and an inspiration to me! Keep on fighting sister!

The Other Hand

I started life with quite a fight,
To God's great hand I held Him tight.

The nights were long, my mommy cried,
She loved me so but hurt inside.

But as she prayed, His grip in mine
I knew it was His great design.

He had a plan that I would grow
And in this plan His love I'd show.

My hand in His and His in mine
Through life I'll walk, my light will shine.

His Hand's a gift to me alone
He holds me tight from His great throne.

His hand is strong, mine is so small
He'll keep me safe in case I fall.

I love Him so but now I see,
It isn't all He's given me.

With two small hands He's blessed me so,
To guide me through this life I'll go.

He heard her heart and as she prayed
The other hand He gave away.

So now you know what God had planned,
My Mommy holds the other hand.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy, that was a beautiful poem and I am in tears. The greatest gift God could give us as women is a child. You have been blessed with a wonderful gift~giving people a memory in photograpy. I hope your business continues to grow and prosper.
