Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A confession...

This is Brantley and THIS is Brantley's three year portrait. Brantley was a little late for her session because of "hair difficulties"- I quote from her mom, "These curls are going to be the death of me!" So, I have a confession to make... it is time to just get this out in the open and off my chest... I sin...yes, I sin in many ways, but one way I sin often is through envy. Oh, I'll just say it! I am jealous of curly haired children! I LOVE curly haired children and after having three kids of own, my porcelain 'First Curl" keepsake given to me before the birth of my daughter stills sits empty. I held onto that thing for six years thinking eventually one of my children would have a curl, just one little curl, it didn't even have to be a real curl, a FLIP would do, but no, empty it sits and now I just dream of the grandchildren I'll have with ringlets because I do plan on steering my children toward spouses with curly hair! Think I'm kidding? Watch me! I'll look for colleges with exceptionally high curly haired applicants! So, when Brantley arrived, honestly I could barely keep my camera from photographing the BACK of her head, because I just wanted to capture those ringlets! Soo cute! And what a well behaved little girl she was...put my kids to shame with how well she held it together with really minimal bribing! Curls and obedience... some moms have it all! You know I love my straight haired, disobedient little angels, but for this hour I got to enjoy the curls of another mom's little girl. And boy did I love it! Hmm, do they still sell those little pink, smooshy curlers... maybe I'll go buy me some today! :-)

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