Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby Blues

Well, this sitting didn't start out too smoothly.  In all my time taking portraits I have never done what I did before this session...forget to pack my memory cards!  Luckily I realized it half way there so I was only 15 minutes late to the session, but with babies this age at this time of day, every minute is critical.  Afterall, it is their bedtime!  Luckily W.C. came through for us!  I had a hard time choosing a smiling portrait of him because there were so many with that sincere happy smile...who'd have thought the one below was right after a small tumble he took!  The first portrait is a personal favorite...I included it because while W.C.'s expression wasn't happy and cheery at this point, it was one of those portraits that caught my eye....actually HIS eyes too!  W.C. has amazing blue eyes and with that precious blue outfit on, it made his eyes glow.  When I looked up at the sky, it was so blue, it reminded me of his eyes.  With all the trees at Kiesel Park, the only way to get the sky in the background was this angle.   I'm afraid with the size it may be displaying on your monitor, you won't get the whole effect, but his eyes, with his outfit and the blue sky in the background...whew, made me want a blue-eyed baby!!!  The bottom portrait reminded me of something that is very important...don't give up!  THIS was the LAST shot of the session...I had actually said I was completely done because W.C. was telling US he was completely done.  But the lighting was so pretty I couldn't put down the camera.  Who would have guessed this last portrait would have been so captivating!    Of course he was probably thinking, "Is she not gone yet?!"  Nope!  Had to get that last look and boy am I glad I did!!!


  1. Precious baby boy...his smile touched my heart!

  2. TRACY!!!!!!!!
    Oh my goodness! I am so happy with these pics! I have so much to say. O.k. here goes....
    On the first one when you enlarge the photo you can really see how blue those eyes are. It almost looks like you photo shopped them to make them look so blue. On the second one I love, love, love the smile. I really was hoping for a great smiling one. I like how you can see ALL of his "raggedy teeth" as we like to call them. The third picture TOTALLY captures W.C. That is 100% him.
    Can you tell how happy I am? I must admit when we left that night I was really impressed with how much time you had spent. I never expected a session to last that long. Later, I started thinking,"I wonder if she spent so much time on the shoot b/c she was worried she hadn't gotten any good shots?" Clearly this was not the case! You made a challenging photo shoot look easy! I can't wait to see more!!

  3. CUTE pictures!! WHat a poser! Happy Birthday, W.C.!! Marilyn
